Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

2009 is here. Has everyone made their resolutions for this new year? I have the standard ones I make every year. You know, eat healthier (sheesh, why is this so hard? I am a nutrition nerd, come on quiz me! I know everything, why can't I just DO IT), be more organized (I need to find a place for everything, and then keep it there!), and be a better mommy (I am going for that "quality time" thing since a quantity of time just ain't gonna happen), and basically all those other little quests for perfection.
My zodiac sign is Virgo (it's cheesy that I brought that up, I know) and apparently we are supposed to be perfectionists. I have ALWAYS said that this wasn't me because I am not perfect. I just figured it out though! A perfectionist is not someone that IS perfect, it is someone that WANTS to be perfect! ... I guess I am a perfectionist :( It's tragic.

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