Friday, January 23, 2009

De-Mystifying Chocolates

Ok, Ok, I'll admit it... I love Martha Stewart. Her Living and Weddings magazines are pure eye candy. And speaking of candy, Valentine's Day is coming up and undoubtedly you are going to run into a box of chocolates and if you are like me you know you are going to have at least one. And, if you are going to have one you might as well make it one you like. In this month's Martha Stewart Living magazine Ms. Stewart gives some handy tips for identifying what might be hidden under that layer of chocolate if there is no handy little guide to help you out.

I am going to paraphrase what she says (and add observations from my own experience), but pick up this month's magazine for more fun Valentine's Day stuff.

Like soft centered chocolates? Look for a round smooth shape. A foot/base on the bottom probably means a cherry chocolate. If it's wrapped it probably has a liquid center.

Are caramels more your thing? Look for a square or rectangle shape. It makes sense, you make caramels in pans and then cut them before they are dipped. The flat hard ones are usually toffee.

Like something a little crunchy in your chocolate? Large bumps usually mean nuts and small bumps usually mean coconut.

So there you go - Chocolates De-Mystified.

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