Thursday, December 23, 2010

I ♥ Thursday {no. 5}

Hello everyone! Today is Christmas Adam. Get it? Christmas Adam comes the day before Christmas Eve. You know, Adam & Eve. lol. :) Well, besides being Christmas Adam today it is a Thursday, meaning it's time for I ♥ Thursday.

I love Basil Rathbone reading aloud the book, Sherlock Holmes. You know what, I could listen to him read all day. :)

Russian Tea Cakes. Yum.

This really cool laptop cover.
(edited: I found where this is sold!!! Click here.) (:

This outfit from Casablanca that Ingrid Bergman wears. (I saw this costume when I was in L.A. this summer. It is so pretty! The blouse is a rusty paisley print with a black skirt.)

The radio & 50s TV Show Dragnet

This beautiful dress that Judy Garland wears in Girl Crazy.  

The old Disney movie, 101 Dalmatians

What are you loving this week? 


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