Saturday, October 16, 2010

Modest Fashion Week - Ashley (Day 7) (Sweater Top)

- What I'm Wearing - 

Purple Sweater Top - Borrowed from Gabrielle {Kohl's}
Jeans - J.C.Penny
Purple Leaf Earrings - AmandaBeth Boutique
Fabric Ring - Samantha of Emariecreations {giveaway}
Black Snowman Socks - Gift 

Well girls, today is the last day of Modest Fashion Week. It was so much fun doing it with you girls. We'll have to do it again this winter. How does that sound? =) Today is just a relaxing day around the house. I'm busy sewing today. What can I say, sewing is relaxing to me. =) What are you doing today?

Link up your final outfit for today below. 


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