Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Boudoir Buzz Words

Chatting with a photographer friend of mine I realized that there are lots of boudoir photography related terms that if I wouldn't know the meaning of if I wasn't a boudoir photographer. So for fun here are definitions of common terms used in boudoir photography:

Boudoir: (pronounced "boo-dwar")While you would think everyone visiting this blog might know this term, I am amazed at how many girls come in for photos and tell me they learned about "boudoir photography" after searching for other terms like "sexy lingerie pictures" or "intimate photography". A boudoir traditionally described a lady's dressing room, in French. But, more recently it's come to define a type of sexy photography for women.

MUA: a makeup artist. Some, not all do hair as well so you might see "hair and MUA". Trust me, super talented hair and makeup artists are not exactly plentiful here in Utah. I might just be picky. I do work with the best though, trust me.

Post Processing: This is basically the processing of your images after the shoot. Once the images are taken I upload them onto a hard drive and a backup hard drive. I then "cull" through the images, or toss out any where you don't look your absolute best (blinks, etc) or where I may have made a mistake (it happens, we all take a blurry picture or two). Then I narrow them down to the best images and edit them, and get them ready for you to preview.

Digital Editing: Ok, so this is the super secret stuff photographers do to your images. Just Kidding! Want to know what this entails? Check it out here on my wedding and portrait blog:
What is Digital Editing

Turnaround Times: Usually this refers to how long after your session it will take until your pictures are ready to be previewed or how long it will take for products (like albums) from the time they are ordered until they are in your hands. If you have a deadline you are trying to meet (like a birthday or a holiday) contact me and I can tell you when you need to do your session.

Model Release: This is permission to show your photographs in promotional material (like on a website, magazine ad, or on this blog). Your images will be kept private unless YOU want to share them. While many girls choose not to share their pictures (I respect that) I am thankful for the wonderful ladies that don't mind showing off what the finished images look like. It really helps knowing what to expect and what the finished images look like, not to mention getting to check out what other girls wear to their shoot.

Damask: I threw this one in here because it's a popular pattern right now and is seen a lot in boudoir photography. There are many variations but it will usually look somewhat like this:

I try and stay away from things that are too trendy and that will date your pictures in a few years, but it is a pretty classic pattern that I use in album design (and currently on my website). I find it a little too busy and distracting for actually shooting against, I want the focus to be on YOU. So even though my studio sets are always changing slightly you won't find a lot of crazy patterns or colors.

I hope this helps you out. And as always, let me know if you have ANY questions. I will be happy to answer them.

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