Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hello everyone! I'm just letting you all know that, we are going to be out of town on vacation next week (Sunday - Saturday). So there will be no posts until we get back. I (Ashley) had hoped to schedule some posts for while we are gone, but the week just flied by. =)

We wanted to thank Natasha and Bess for their awards and tags. We will do a proper post for them them when we return.

We also have a surprise planned for the first week of May. =) So be on the look out for that. It is something fun and fashion(y). And I bet none of you can guess what it is. You can try guessing in a comment. It would be fun to see if anyone can guess what it is. ;-)

Other exciting news (I'm just full of news today) is that, this is Bramblewood Fashion's 150th post! And we have 71 followers! Thank you everyone who reads and follows this blog! For if it wasn't for your support and comments, this blog wouldn't have grown has much as it has since I started last August. 

Ashley & Gabrielle

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