Saturday, March 20, 2010

International Princess™ Project

This may seem like an unlikely topic, but I am a huge fan of empowering women and also empathetic to causes that support women, especially those in other countries that face horrors that you and I will probably never know or understand.
I found out about the International Princess™ Project from The Pioneer Woman's blog and I knew I had to pass it along.
You can read all about this cause that helps women restore their lives after being enslaved into prostitution here:
And you can support the cause here:
Punjammies are darling lounge pants (way better than my ugly functional yoga pants I wear in my studio for shoots) that are made in India by women who are learning a marketable skill to better their lives.

Check back in a few hours for the announcement of the winner of the Boudoir Session Giveaway. In the meatime go pick out your new Punjammies and buy a pair for a friend!

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