Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Which Color for Lingerie?

black lingerieSorry, this news is a touch late for Valentine's Day lingerie shopping, but it's good info regardless.
Apparently men prefer black lingerie while red comes in at last place! A poll was conducted by Dr. Beckmann. He found that about half the men polled preferred black.

Lucky for us black is easy to find, flattering and mixes and matches with different pieces effortlessly and is perfect for intimate photographs.

While these poll results are fun, remember that your own man will have his own taste in both style and colors of lingerie. And, to be honest, he probably will love you in ANY type of lingerie! So ultimately pick what you like and what you feel good in. Your confidence is the most important thing when surprising him with sexy boudoir pictures.

Check out the article about Dr. Beckmann's lingerie poll here:

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