Saturday, February 27, 2010

Edgy Boudoir

The lovely and talented Deena Marie Manzanares contacted me awhile ago about shooting and after figuring out our busy schedules we finally were able to. We talked about doing an edgy theme, kinda anti-pinup to give her something fresh and new for her portfolio. I had visions of Emilie Autumn, kinda punktorian-esque, but still boudoir. Deena brought so many amazing outfits and accessories that as we were picking through them our theme totally changed... and I honestly have no idea what it was! But it was a blast!
Here's a teaser:
Utah Boudoir Photography

Hair and Makeup provided by the also lovely and talented Denise. Corset and pink tutu provided by my sister, Becki  (she's lovely and talented too.... I can't figure out how I ended up at this shoot?)

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