We may have the greatest snow on Earth, but winter in Utah also means smoggy air.
I don't know if it's just winter and the lack of sunshine or if the smog makes it worse, but I know a lot of us are concerned about our skin not looking so radiant.
However, don't worry about doing boudoir pictures this time of year. With a combination of a few tricks your skin will look beautiful.
Preparation:You don't need to do anything drastic or expensive to prepare for your shoot. Shave (or wax) like you normally would, use a gentle exfoliator and moisturizer. Try and use a rich cream (especially on rough spots like elbows and heels) the night before your shoot. The morning of your shoot smooth on some more lotion or cream. If you want to use lotion right before your shoot make sure it is lightweight and will absorb quickly so your skin isn't shiny or oily.
Now is not the best time to try spray tans or self-tanning treatments. You run the risk of having the results not come out how you imagined and it might turn out looking unnatural in your photos. HOWEVER, don't panic if you have a mishap. That is what Photoshop is for!
Lighting:Studio lighting has A LOT to do with the appearance of skin. I will make sure to use the most flattering lighting possible so your skin looks smooth and sexy.
There are a lot of tricks when it comes to glamour lighting. A fellow photographer explained to me a long time ago how lighting can make a big difference. He used a golf ball as an example. He showed me how if you light the ball from the side you will see all the little pits on the ball's surface because they are thrown into shadow, but if you move the light straight on the shadows are gone and the ball looks smooth. Now, straight on lighting can also have the effect of adding pounds (YIKES). But don't worry, I use a balance of contour lighting on the side and a fill light straight on to make your skin look great and help you also look your slimmest (yeah it's almost magic).
Digital Editing:Editing the image in photo editing software, like Photoshop, is the final step. It is super important to finish the image this way to create that professional magazine quality to your images (hey, all the Victoria's Secret models get a little editing, you should too). I can bump up the color a little to give your skin a nice healthy look and also blend away any flaws. I think it's important to not over-do it though. Your skin is supposed to have texture to it. You don't want to look plastic.
You will get to preview your edited images before you purchase them. So you will know exactly what the final product will be.
So don't panic about living in Utah and having pale winter skin, your boudoir photos will be super sexy!
You can still book a shoot for Valentine's Day. Check out this