Friday, April 25, 2008

Irrational Blogging Neurosis

I have to admit it. I am a little nervous about writing in a blog. It's not about the time it will take. It's a mix of worrying about what to write about and how it will be recieved. Do I have to stay on topic? I guess there are no rules, it's my blog. What if I sound too casual or too corporate for a blog about my business?
I love to write. However, sharing it is another story. I remember in school I would fill my writing assignments with my emotions, passions and convictions and sometimes a funny story or two only to have it handed back with red marks correcting an occasional grammar or spelling error. "That's not what it's about" I would think. "Stupid teacher probably didn't even really read my essay". Probably not. They were busy correcting 30 other just-as-boring-to-them pieces.

So, back to blogging. I will try to remember that photography (especially glamour photography) is not everyone else's passion. I will also try to be uninhibited and share my emotions, passions, convictions and maybe throw in a funny story here or there.

Enjoy (or don't, it's okay, I won't pout)!

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