Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feminine Fashion Week {Day 5} - Purple & Brown

-What I'm Wearing-

Purple Sweater Top - Kohl's {$9.99}
Khaki Skirt - Refashioned from IZOD Pants {Free}
Purple Tights - J.C.Penny's {$4.95}
Brown Boots - Target {$15 after gift card ;-)}
Necklace - Christmas Gift {My sister, Hanne-col made it.}
Pearl Earrings - Gift

I find it hard to believe that today is the 5th day of Natasha's fashion week. Where has the time flown?!?!

Well, today my time was spent in my room - cleaning. You know, the garbage bag kinda of cleaning. :) It was my pre-spring/After New Year's & Christmas cleaning day.


I'm sorry about my upturned hem. Our iron broke and I couldn't iron my skirt.

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