Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bramblewood Fashion's 1st Blog Birthday!

This is so exciting! Today one year ago, I (Ashley) started Bramblewood Fashion. Now, one year later we have 158 Google Followers and 195 Google Readers. We want to thank you all for following, reading, and commenting our blog. If it wasn't for all of you, I wouldn't feel motivated to blog. When I first started out, I only had my family, some friends from church, and some followers from my old blog, which is no longer up, reading my blog. I love receiving and reading all of your comments, it makes my heart leap to see I have a comment to read and publish when ever I log into blogger. =)

Thank you, from the bottom of our heart's, for helping this blog grow and reading all that we have to say for the past year. And if you are a new reader, welcome! We hope you enjoy our little blog. Hopefully, you will be encouraged that you can dress fashionably, and stay modest. Or, if you are into sewing, you enjoy all our sewing posts.  

Thank you so much for being a reader!

~Ashley and Gabrielle

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