Friday, May 14, 2010

The New Site! (Plus A Giveaway) Closed

In honor of the “new”, I have been given the chance to host a giveaway for an e-pattern from Sense & Sensibility Patterns. Sense & Sensibility Patterns have various historical patterns, ranging from the 1790s – 1940s. I own many of them myself (still missing a few), and can highly recommend them to anyone – even the beginner sewer can use these. Yes, some patterns are a higher level then others, but you can start out with the easier ones first (Beatrix Skirt, Regency Dress, Edwardian Apron) and work your way up. If you need help with the patterns there are always, her online classes (I’ve taken two) and a message board (I have found this most helpful) with ladies full of knowledge and experience.

To enter the e-pattern giveaway:

• Post about the “new” on your blog, twitter, or facebook.
• Leave a comment on this post with a link to your post on any of those social networks.
• Also leave some way for me to contact you. I prefer email, that way I can send it off to Jennie Chancey, and she will contact you about downloading your e-pattern. =) Nice and simple.

This giveaway is open to everyone! Hurray! =)

Giveaway ends on May 18th at 12:00PM (EST). With the winner being drawn at random, using, sometime the following day.

This giveaway is closed. 


My Various Sewing Projects Where I Used S&S Patterns.


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