Friday, April 25, 2008

Irrational Blogging Neurosis

I have to admit it. I am a little nervous about writing in a blog. It's not about the time it will take. It's a mix of worrying about what to write about and how it will be recieved. Do I have to stay on topic? I guess there are no rules, it's my blog. What if I sound too casual or too corporate for a blog about my business?
I love to write. However, sharing it is another story. I remember in school I would fill my writing assignments with my emotions, passions and convictions and sometimes a funny story or two only to have it handed back with red marks correcting an occasional grammar or spelling error. "That's not what it's about" I would think. "Stupid teacher probably didn't even really read my essay". Probably not. They were busy correcting 30 other just-as-boring-to-them pieces.

So, back to blogging. I will try to remember that photography (especially glamour photography) is not everyone else's passion. I will also try to be uninhibited and share my emotions, passions, convictions and maybe throw in a funny story here or there.

Enjoy (or don't, it's okay, I won't pout)!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Boudoir Photography on MSN

Boudoir photography is hot! It's not just me that says so, check out this article on MSN:
Boudoir Wedding Photography 101
Then give me a call to schedule your session!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ta Da, Welcome to our new blog!

Ok, so I have decided to jump on the blog bandwagon. So here I am. I will start by introducing myself.
My name is Susie. I have been doing professional photography in Utah for years. As a female photographer shooting weddings I have been asked many times to do boudoir sessions. I love doing it. Boudoir photography is when a girl has sexy images taken of herself to give as a gift to her husband. Many brides choose to do it as an extra special gift for the wedding night. But these sessions aren't just for brides. An album or slideshow makes a great gift for an anniversary, Valentine's day or for any other special occasion.
After struggling with the hassle of booking hotels and hauling all my lighting equipment there I decided to design a private studio where boudoir sessions could take place. I figured this would save my clients from the cost of the hotel and make things easier for me. So far it has been great.
Check back often for updates, and in the meantime visit our website at: