Saturday, November 20, 2010

An Early Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is approaching so fast! Thankfully this year we aren't hosting (I am in charge of bringing a cheese tray, I can handle that) but with all of the photo shoots I am wrapping up and with our vacation looming I am not sure if I will get another chance to post a "Happy Thanksgiving" message. So I thought I would sit down and do it now.
I wanted to wish everyone, and especially my amazing boudoir clients, a happy Thanksgiving. I couldn't ask to work with more wonderful women. I really truly do love getting to know each of you. The opportunity I have to be in your life, if even for a brief time, is so great. You are all beautiful inside and out.

And on to a preview picture of my latest session. There will be more to come since she was gracious enough to let me share:

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