Monday, November 23, 2009


I know this is so off topic... but I just had to celebrate a little on my blog for my soccer team.

Real Salt Lake won the championship last night in a game against the L.A. Galaxy (and David Beckham). It came down to penalty kicks which means I have no fingernails left!!! But we have the best goalie in the league, I knew Nick Rimando could do it! I've seen him block an amazing penalty kick live.

I have missed very few home games this season and our team may have had some ups ands downs but they totally deserved it.
The bottom picture is from the Eastern Conference Finals (the funky way soccer playoffs work put us in the Eastern Conference). Isn't this picture of Nicky saving a shot sweet? (The photographer in me totally appreciates a shot like this)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Boudoir Posing - Curves

I love watching America's Next Top Model.
Go ahead and judge me, I'll wait...

Anyway, this week they had Marissa Miller (you know, Victoria's Secret Angel and Supermodel) as a guest. She taught the girls about swimsuit posing.

She pointed out something that I have never thought of. Apparently with sexy poses women think side shots showing off curves are more sexy than straight on shots, which is what men tend to prefer.
For your boudoir shoot we will do a variety of poses, but remember when picking out what pictures to give your man he may just flip for those straight-on shots (good to know).